Afjal Sajeda Foundation – ASF

Our Activities

Food Support

“Food insecurity in Bangladesh is rising. Even in the best of times, millions of people in the country go hungry. The Global Food Security Index 2020 ranked Bangladesh 84th of 113 countries globally, which was worse than many of its neighboring countries.”

With your donations and support, we provide food support among the most needed people of our community. We run community-specific programs that respond to the direst needs of the people that we serve. Together, we envision to build a healthy future for families and communities across the country.

Medical Supplies

Access to healthcare and medical products is a critical need for the people who live at the bottom of the pyramid in Bangladesh. Expenditure incurred on drugs and medicine, the most vital component of out-of-pocket expenditure, accounts for the largest proportion (around 60-70%) of total cost for patients. This has major consequences in the process of seeking care by people who have meager source of income.

With your kind contributions and support, we provide medical supplies to save lives and ease the suffering of the vulnerable people of our society.

Tree Plantation

With about 170 million people in a country of 144,000 square kilometers, tree coverage is now only 8% compared to 25% desirable amount. As per the UN definition of forest, there should be trees 10 10% of every hectare of land. We need to plant more and more trees to help reforest local areas, preventing erosion and stabilize weather pattenrns and climate change.

With your donations, we will plant and grow trees, to help combat climate change, strenghen community and ecosystem resilience. We believe, when tree planting is done right it changes our environment, communities and livelihoods.

Education Support for Special-Needs Children

Of the estimated 2.6 million children with special needs in Bangladesh, less than 1,500 have access to an education in special schools sponsored by the Government of Bangladesh (Source: USAID). Additionally, medical care for the child is expensive and generally inaccessible to impoverished families in Bangladesh. As such it becomes increasingly difficult for underprivileged families to bear the expense of education of a child with special needs.

Through us, you can sponsor the education of a child with special-needs whose parents can’t afford it. By sponsoring a child, you can help open the doors for them and their family to a life of opportunity, dignity, and prosperity.